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After many years of the paleo and low carbohydrate diet brigades preaching their anti-grain messages, the good news is that the tide is finally turning, A recent study conducted by the Grains and Legumes Nutrition Council, found that fewer Australians (compared to three years ago) are limiting grain foods. 1

Whilst this is a positive change, we still need to ensure that we are eating enough whole grains, as the evidence for positive health outcomes (reduction in cardiovascular disease, diabetes and some cancers) is strongest when 2-3 serves of whole grains are consumed every day. The Grains and Legumes Nutrition Council have set a daily target intake of 48g per day (for adults and children older than 9 years) to help Australians eat the recommended serves required for good health outcomes.

To help maintain this positive momentum, our dietitian and nutrition ambassador Teri Lichtenstein has provided her expert tips for quick and easy food swaps that you can action to help ensure that you meet your daily target intake, and reap the health benefits from extra whole grain goodness.

Instead of white bread, wraps and rolls, choose whole grain varieties. There is so much choice in the supermarket, that you are sure to find something to suit your family’s taste buds.
Ditch your processed, high sugar breakfast cereal for a wholegrain porridge like the Barley + traditional wholegrain porridge.
Be adventurous with the wonderful whole meal and legume pasta varieties on the market. Replace your traditional pasta with one of these varieties for an extra whole grain boost.
Asian dishes are extremely popular in Australia. Did you know that if you use soba or buckwheat noodles instead of regular noodles, you will be eating more whole grain goodness?
A very easy switch is moving from white rice to brown rice. Even take away sushi restaurants offer brown rice versions nowadays and many people find they prefer the slightly nuttier flavour.
If you enjoy baking, switching to whole wheat or other whole grain flours (e.g. spelt flour) is a great way to help you meet your daily target intake. An easy way to get started is to use the terms “whole grain flour” when doing a Google search for recipes. Or else take your favourite recipe and start by replacing 1/3 cup of regular flour with a whole meal or whole grain flour. Keep increasing little by little each time you make the recipe, until you find the ratio of whole wheat flour to all-purpose flour that you prefer.
It’s summer time in Australia which means salads are on the menu. Throw in ½ -1 cup of your favourite whole grains into your salad mix for an extra fibre boost and a flavoursome crunch.
Next time you are about to reach for a chocolate bar as a snack, try choosing a whole grain energy bar instead. Not only will it provide you with a good dose of wholegrain goodness, but it is also likely to keep you feeling fuller for longer. There are so many wholegrain muesli bar choices in the supermarket, or you may decide to make your own and keep in your pantry cupboard or your office desk drawer. Barley+ bars are a nutritious (and delicious) choice.
If you’re hosting a BBQ, instead of serving salty high fat chips, why not offer grilled corn on the cob as a great wholegrain snack. These are quick to prepare (simply steam or microwave for a few minutes and then char grill on the barbie) and you will be helping your guests achieve their wholegrain daily target too!


Intended as general advice only. Consult your health care professional to discuss any specific concerns.

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